More than half of computer operators have symptoms of fatigue, headaches. blurred vision and other nuisances directly and indirectly related to the increase in working closely associated with prolonged use of computers. Behind annoyances such as general fatigue, reduced efficiency at work and an increase in mistakes towards the end of the day, one can hide visual stress. The behavioral optometrists have found that most of these symptoms are alleviated by improved ergonomics of the workplace, the use of lenses of performance prescribed for the operations to the video terminal and, in some cases, through the improvement of visual skills obtained trainig with the visual.
More and more people use the computer, and if what has been learned about vision and the computer will be ignored, these people will find that this visual stress may generate serious and often permanent vision problems.
Humans have eyes for hunters, essential if we try to survive the game from a distance or to spot danger. During the last century, however, almost all of our work and many of our pastimes have moved to a distance that is less than that of the outstretched arm. Visual stress that results, in spite even of a visual acuity of 10/10 from afar, often produces a temporary or permanent adaptation, which includes myopia, the suppression of one eye, poor coordination between the two eyes and a performance reduced in recreational and industrial activities.
Although computer manufacturers have greatly improved their products, operators realize that their difficulties are complicated by a close visual characters sometimes blurred, by an increase in the number and complexity of eye movements and shifts of focus necessary, by sometimes poor lighting and light reflections on the monitor that can dazzle or distract the operator. Many jobs that yesterday permettavano the physical movements and occasionally watching from a distance, now require hours of grueling concetrazione on a video image.
The change in the way in which the work is performed complicate the lives of many who are for the first time to use a computer. In addition, many people who could manage or withstand the stress induced by a visual work closely intermittent, can not cope with the demands of a prolonged close work.
A visual stress related to the use of the computer can hide behind many direct and indirect symptoms. The visual fatigue is a typical symptom directed, while the need to change posture and concetrazione muscle that results from a badly arranged workstation are examples of indirect symptoms.
sore eyes
blurred vision
Focus slowly passing from the screen at a distant object
Loss of the sign shifting his gaze between the screen and the sheet you want to copy
Difficulty seeing sharp from a distance after prolonged use of the computer
Double vision, occasional or frequent
The glasses do not use allievano symptoms
Tension or pain in the neck and shoulders
Excessive physical fatigue with the use of computer
Increased irritability with the use of computer
Pain in arms, neck or shoulders with the use of computer
Increased nervousness
Efficcienza reduced visual errors more frequent
If you complain about any combination of these conditions, direct and indirect, it is time for an optometrist assess your visual skills and your performance. The advice optometrist may be the key to make the job less stressful, more productive and less annoying and may prevent the onset of those conditions often observed in permanent visual operators to the terminal.