Person suffering from stye
The stye is an inflammation rather annoying but light, which affects the sebaceous glands of the eyelid of the eye, located at the base of the lashes.

The stye may form on the outside (when it hits a gland of Zeis) or in the inner part of the eye (when the gland is infected with a meibomian gland).


It is usually caused by a bacterial infection staph. This inflammation can also occur in the presence of a blepharitis.


When the excretory duct of the meibomian gland is completely obstructs the stye can become chronic and evolve in chalazion.


Signs and symptoms

The stye looks like a swelling in the eyelid, often accompanied by pain or discomfort as if there was a foreign body in the eye.

differential Diagnosis

Generally, your doctor can diagnose a stye just by looking. It should however be distinguished from one xanthelasma, a papilloma or a cyst (such as chalazion).


Never attempt to squeeze a stye, as you may spread the infection; should be left to resolve spontaneously. If the stye should be treated as a chronic chalazion.


In the presence of recurring styes can be treated with ointments eyelid with antibiotics (eg, erythromycin) specially prepared for ophthalmic use.


The normal cleaning of the eye helps to prevent the stye; must always have clean hands before touching your eyes. In susceptible individuals, you need to carefully remove excess sebum from the eyelashes, for example by cleaning them with baby shampoo; This helps to keep clean excretory ducts of the glands.